This captivating novel, "Young Man with Camera" by Emil Sher, is a must-read for young adults and adults alike. The story takes readers on a journey through the life of a young man who loves art and architecture, but also faces challenges such as bullying and poverty. The book has 240 pages, is a hardcover format, and measures 8.5 inches in length, 5.8 inches in width, and 0.9 inches in height. The book is published by Scholastic, Incorporated and has an original publication year of 2015. It is written in English, but the language of the narrative is fiction. The book is perfect for those interested in social themes such as bullying, homelessness, and emotions, as well as those who love art and architecture. It is not signed, but it does have an illustrator. Get your copy of "Young Man with Camera" today and join the adventure!